Attagirl Boutique started as a hobby, which turned into a small business, due to the positive feedback from costumers. 艾薇特开始只做发髻和狗狗围巾. She originally started making dog bandanas because her girl dog Maddie needed something cute to wear, 而且她不喜欢狗狗的衣服. 她的手帕得到了很多赞美,于是开始把狗狗的东西添加到我的收藏中. 她的一些受欢迎的项目是狗手帕和水手弓狗. Ivette is a resident of Watauga County a have been for over 32 years and is passionate about dogs. 她总是在寻找新的想法,为狗和它们的主人创造产品.
Facebook: @attagirlboutiqueboone Instagram:@attagirlboutiqueboone |
B.A.D. Composting is a compost co-op that collects food scraps from individuals as well as providing gardening help like building compost bins and permaculture gardens. Soil is the basis of life, 通过从废物流中转移食物残渣并创造土壤, 他们给我们的社区带来了新的生命. It’s Born Again Dirt!
Learn more: www.bit.ly/badcomposting Instagram: @b.a.dcomposting Facebook: @b.a.dcomposting |
Carringer Farms: 唐一生都在种地——家庭菜园和他的祖父母/父母一起种地. 唐和贝琳达在富兰克林有他们的农场, NC for 10 years and participated in several different farmers markets and sold to several restaurants. 2022年,他们卖掉了富兰克林的农场,在北卡罗来纳州的阿尔塔蒙特买了一个9英亩的农场. 他们将在春天种很多蔬菜. 他们也种植微型蔬菜,还有蜜蜂为他们的庄稼授粉, so they will have honey. 他们的很多植物都是由种子长成的. 贝琳达制作果酱、果冻、蜜饯和调味品,以及烘焙食品.
Learn more: http://www.carringerfarms.com/ Facebook: Carringer Farms Instagram: @carringerfarms |
Cat and Fiddle Co. 手工牛油为基础的护肤品注入了整个植物舒缓和滋养你的皮肤. 他们用当地牧场饲养的牛油手工制作保湿霜、润唇膏、磨砂膏和药膏. 除了他们的油脂,他们还提供一系列的爽肤水,面膜,精华液等等! 没有不必要的化学品和填料,猫和小提琴公司. 产品的设计是为了拥抱自然的纯净, 优先考虑当地食材和传统方法
Learn more: http://catandfiddleco.com Instagram: @catandfiddleco |
HCH 是科茨维尔的一个农场,也在花岗岩瀑布的租赁土地上种植. 他们主要从烹饪草药开始, 然后转向大麻/工业大麻,他们目前仍在种植. HCH还做鸡蛋、西瓜、南瓜、草莓等! 今年他们增加了茄子的蔬菜产量, beans, squash, other melons, potatoes, and more. 此外,他们也是我县仅有的烟草种植者之一!
Learn more: http://hcherbs.com Facebook: @hchfarm Instagram: @hchfarms |
Heritage Homestead Heritage Homestead Goat Dairy is nestled on 17 acres in the mountains of Ashe County just outside of Jefferson, North Carolina. 卡罗尔和朗·库尔特夫妇于1994年买下了弗洛伦斯·凯利的故居, 它在70年代早期之前一直是一家奶牛饲养场. To help clear the briars and brambles that had taken over the farm, the Coulters purchased goats. 事情一件接一件地发生了,很快卡罗尔就开始给山羊挤奶,上奶酪课了. For 6 years the Coulters worked toward becoming a licensed dairy and in January of 2009 Heritage Homestead was licensed.
As Carol and Lon now retire, 詹妮弗和迈克·汉堡要接管传统庄园奶牛场了. 他们目前正在库尔特的厨房里生产奶酪, 同时在他们位于托德的26英亩农场上建造一个新设施, NC. 汉堡一家很高兴能从卡罗尔和朗的指导中受益, 同时保持相同的产品和对当地食品质量的承诺. |
Opossum Bottom Farm & Market Garden 是田纳西州约翰逊市的一个小城市农场. 早在70年代,克里斯就和他的姑母一起开始园艺. 帮她打理花园的时候, 她教他如何在没有合成产品的帮助下种植东西, which now, fast forward 40 years, is a more familiar term, organic. 从那时起,许多方法都发生了变化, 可持续增长的基本原理, 改善你赖以生长的土地, 提供人工合成的免费食品仍然是一样的. Opossum Bottom strives to incorporate those fundamentals in their practices so that their produce is free of all synthetic products. No pesticides, no fungicides, no herbicides, nothing, just good practices, natural fertilizers, rainwater, and a love of growing.
Learn more: http://www.opossumbottom.com/ Instagram: @opossumbottomfarm |
Sheraton Park Farms is a local, 再生农业农场位于麦格雷迪蓝岭山脉的山麓, North Carolina. 他们饲养肉牛,鸡是为了蛋,鸡是为了肉,火鸡和他们的最爱.....pigs! 不含抗生素、类固醇或化肥的道德饲养的肉类!
Learn more: http://www.sheratonparkfarms.com/ Instagram: @sheratonparkfarms Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SheratonParkFarms/ |
Sleepy Bird Farm 是皮特·勒格兰德和凯蒂·布鲁斯的项目吗. 目前,他们位于农场孵化器和种植者(FIG)在Valle Crucis. They are both interested in building their careers in farming and are excited about this opportunity to start! Katie and Bruce have been thoroughly blessed to have access to this land and are using this opportunity to grow a variety of vegetables and flowers for the community to enjoy!
Instagram: @sleepybirdfarm |
柠檬唇/饮料机 现场为您制作鲜榨饮料. 这意味着当你点餐的时候,他们会把水果切好打碎. 当你等待的时候,你可以看到整个过程. 他们的瓶装饮料是在北卡罗来纳州的西杰斐逊生产的.
Learn more: http://lemonlipslemonade.fun/ Instagram: @lemon_lips_lemonade |
Allyson Murphy Art: Allyson sells prints and originals of her illustrative landscape watercolor paintings that range in size from 4x4 to 8x10 pieces.
Learn more: http://www.etsy.com/shop/AllysonMurphyArt Instagram: @allysonmurphyart |
Bug Lovers Native Plants 是专门种植本地多年生野花的苗圃吗, shrubs, trees, 以及用于家庭花园和景观的草. Their focus is to sustainably produce plants native to the Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont of North Carolina with maximum benefit to wildlife and providing connections between homeowners and the surrounding ecosystems. 他们所有的植物都是从阿什县的种子中生长出来的,不使用任何种类的杀虫剂. Bug Lovers offers local ecotypes whenever possible and their practices include using containers made from recycled plastic or plant-based fibers. They offer a range of plants, but many are ideal for supporting pollinators and beneficial insects.
Learn More: http://www.bugloversnativeplants.com/ Facebook: @bugloversnativeplants Instagram: @bugloversnativeplants |
Gala Crafts creates stained glass pieces. Their goal with 彩色玻璃是为了捕捉所有的野性, varied, 壮观的色彩和纹理在独特的艺术自然, glass pieces. They love adding copper wire, antique glass plates, 甚至偶尔还会用勺子来盛杯子,以强调玻璃杯的自然运动. Whenever possible, they incorporate found and recycled glass, wire and bevels into their pieces. Gala Crafts has been working in the medium for over 20 years and has learned (sometimes the hard way) to love the music of breaking glass.
Learn more: www.galacrafts.com Instagram: @galacrafts Facebook: @GalaCraftArtisans |
Layers of Love is a small, queer owned cake business that produces delicious and intricately decorated specialty cakes and cupcakes in Boone, NC. 他们擅长手工制作充满爱的小批量烘焙食品.
Learn more: http://www.layers-of-love.com/ Instagram: @layersoflove_boone Facebook: @layersoflove.boone |
Pleasant Creek Farm, home of Handmaid Creations, is located in Trade, TN. They specialize in wholesome, natural body care for affordable prices and are committed to sustainable practices on their farm. They grow healthy and nutritionally dense vegetables and fruits using low/no-till gardening strategies mixed in with a bit of permaculture and experimentation.
Blue Ridge Fiber Guild's purpose is to share fellowship and inspiration with other people with any level of interest and ability in any fiber arts and crafts; to share knowledge and skills with each other and the surrounding community; to promote to the community the fiber arts and crafts; to provide opportunities for revenue for the guild and for its active members.
Facebook: Blue Ridge Fiber Guild Group Instagram: @blueridgefiberguild |
Forest Forage 这是位于田纳西州巴特勒的第一代家庭农场. They approach farming as the central piece of building healthy, resilient, connected communities.
他们从接种蘑菇原木开始,实行多样化的生物密集型耕作方法, 哪些是本地采购和可持续的, 以再生时令蔬菜和草药生产,促进健康, balanced farm ecosystem. 通过结合作物和动物轮作,他们能够实现零到低耕作方法, 有意挑选的农产品品种, nutrient dense compost, 必要时施用有机土壤肥料. Forest Forage does NOT use harmful chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides) & GMO seeds on their farm. Instagram: @forest_forage_farm |
Forgotten Ways Farm. 他们提供用草喂养的牛肉和羊肉,有机喂养的猪肉和鸡蛋 关注动物的健康 — allowing them to exhibit their natural behavior and feeding on their natural diet as much as possible. Forgotten Ways Farm uses their farming practices only to manage the forages and land their livestock graze. 他们认为他们的整体畜牧方法提供了最营养密集的产品.
Learn More: http://foegottwnways.fam.com Facebook: Forgotten Ways Farm |
Hellbender Farm 是北卡罗来纳州阿什县的一个可持续经营的农场和牧羊场. They are named after the iconic and rare aquatic giant salamander that lives alongside the trout in nearby Helton Creek. 除了作为一个工作农场, they host weddings and events, farmstays, and starting in 2024, 在选定的周末自己剪花和品茶.
地狱本德农场努力经营一个可持续的农场和业务. To them, 这意味着在农田里使用有机方法, 人道地养羊,并提供充足的新鲜牧草, 尽量减少包装中的塑料和其他不可持续材料, 使用零排放电动汽车运输产品进出市场, 给和他们一起工作的人足够的工资, 思考他们的行为对社区和环境的影响. Learn more: http://www.hellbenderfarm.com Instagram: @hellbenderfarm |
Laughing Springs Farm is located on the edge of Boone on 17 acres of land that they are grateful to begin stewarding. Established in early 2022, 随着每个季节对土地的了解,他们正在慢慢地建造自己的农场. 他们仍在发展他们的农业重点, but for now, 他们将种植和分享新鲜多样的蔬菜, milled corn products (grits, 玉米粉)和草药产品.
虽然是布恩地区的新人, 在过去的25年里,他们作为农场主在不同的地方种植有机作物, managers, breeders, seed producers, 教育工作者——他们什么都尝试过一点——学习从未停止. 他们期待着与您分享他们的收获! Learn more: www.laughingspringsfarm.com Instagram: @laughingspringsfarm |
Land of Milk and Honey Farms 位于北卡罗来纳州蓝岭山脉(Deep Gap),由布拉德和克里斯塔经营. 他们是一个小农场,提供美国农业部检验过的牛肉和羊肉, as well as honey, eggs, baked goods (by order), beeswax candles, 覆盆子开始(季节性), and leather crafts. They have just under 25 bee hives which they collect from usually in the fall for their honey and also their beeswax for use in items such as candles. Land of Milk and Honey also offers baked goods like true sourdough bread made without commercial yeast, cookies, granola, bars, etc. 克里斯塔也做一些皮革制品,比如手包、钱包和耳环. They welcome you to come and visit their small farm in Deep Gap and hopefully soon at their self serve farm stand.
Learn More: http://www.landofmilkandhoneyfarmnc.com/ Facebook: @landofmilkandhoneyfarms_llc Instagram: @landofmilkandhoneyfarms_llc |
P.O. Box 67 | 969 W King Street
Boone, NC 28607 | 828.386.1537 Email: info@gibranos.com |