Forgotten Ways Farms is dedicated to preserving the land and raising healthy animals in order to nourish our family and community. 我们关注动物的健康,让它们表现出自然的行为, free from confinement. Low stress handling techniques lead to higher quality meat and more humane treatment of the animals. 我们只卖能养家糊口的东西!
了解更多及预订: www.forgottenways.farm/ Black Birch Her-Pothecary is a 认证的整体和临床草药医生. 她曾就读于蓝岭草药学校. 她住在瓦托加县,她所有的草药都是手工制作的. 所有产品都是有机的,或者是道德野生的. Products include teas, tinctures, salve, steam, broth bags, bear oils, role on scents, epsom salt baths, medicinal vinegar, medicinal honey, face mask powders, skin toners, steams, etc.
Mountain Flowers Hemp is 专注于工艺制作, 小批量大麻种植在受控的室内环境中使用活土技术. 在整个过程中不使用农药. 每个品种都是在室内发芽和选择调味的. 我们的特色菜是腌制的顶级货架大麻花和新鲜的预卷, 但我们也用整株植物制作药膏和护肤品. 这是一个农民拥有的,农民种植的业务,总部设在美丽的布恩,北卡罗来纳州. Learn more: http://mountainflowershemp.com/ Against the Grain Farm 距锡安维尔布恩市中心15分钟路程的小型多元化农场, North Carolina. We live on a 20 acre farm and raise a broad spectrum of Certified Biodynamic and Organic vegetables on a little under 2 acres. 我们也饲养牧场火鸡和动物福利批准的鸡,猪肉,牛肉和山羊. 我们的重点是培育土壤,以便种植高质量的作物, 为当地社区提供营养食品.
Learn More: http://www.atgfarm.com Creeksong Farm has been selling produce grown using organic methods at the Watauga County Farmers' Market since 1979. At that time, 很少有人担心他们的食物中存在化学物质, 但杰夫和贝蒂·托马斯决心以可持续和健康的方式种植食物. Creeksong农场出售他们的自由放养鸡的鸡蛋, 人道地饲养安格斯阉牛和猪的肉, and potatoes. Throughout the season, 他们种植多种蔬菜, flowers, 还有四英亩地里的草药. Learn more: http://creeksongfarm.com Mountain Roots Farm 提供全年生产时令蔬菜,肉类和鸡蛋. 在冬季市场上,他们出售各种各样的南瓜, mushrooms, lettuce, potatoes, spinach, turnips beef, sirloin, sausage, and other meats. B.A.D. Composting Born Again Dirt Composting是北卡罗来纳州布恩市的一家堆肥公司. All of their composting is done at local gardens with the goal of helping community gardens get good soil! You can sign up for a membership which gets you compost every other week in one of three ways. 你可以做一个堆肥收集,如果你在收集范围内. 如果你不在范围内,你可以做一个堆肥投放. Lastly, you could chose the option of compost bin maintenance if you already compost at home but would like our help getting more material or keeping greens and browns even. 他们还提供散装堆肥,并帮助建造花园和堆肥箱.
Learn More: http://compostingboone.wixsite.com/badcomposting Boone Fungi 布恩镇有个蘑菇农场吗. 他们将在市场上出售新鲜蘑菇. Learn more: www.boonefungi.com Racheal Salmon Photography operates in Boone and sell beautiful local photography of our area in barn wood frames as well as in greeting card form. I also make fridge magnets, have Boone Community bumper stickers and make my own Christmas ornaments. Learn more: www.rachaelsalmonphotography.com Wooded Wilds 制作压花/植物树脂首饰,压花艺术,水彩画 & 咖啡画,还有壁挂. All of this is made by myself (Emily) by hand and almost all flowers are local wild flowers I have dried and pressed myself. I live in Todd, NC. I am working on getting an official logo now and should have one by the time the farmers market rolls around. I sell all it my pieces through Instagram (all of my artwork is in the "art" highlight reel) and have taken screenshots of my work which I have attached below Escobar Rustic Craft is located in Deep Gap, NC. 家庭拥有和100%手工制作的产品. 我们有各种各样的木制品从熟食板, cutting boards, candle holders, 葡萄酒陈列柜和一些家具,如咖啡桌. Sheraton Park Farms is a r在自然环境中饲养牛、猪、鸡和火鸡的再生农场. Website: http://www.sheratonparkfarms.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SheratonParkFarms, Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/SheratonParkFarms Tiny Bluet Creative 在布恩有一个酷儿的创意店吗, NC; specializing in handmade crochet accessories and painting. 他们努力使用可持续材料, 主要使用100%棉纱和回收塑料袋, known as plarn, for their crochet projects. For the winter season, expect lots of beanies, 保暖手和其他冬天的衣服, 除了钩针包和钥匙链. 他们还设计和打印我自己的贴纸! Instagram / tiktok: @tinybluetcreative Happy Hens NC, LLC is located in the remote, and cold North Western area of Ashe County in the Pond Mountain section. 他们饲养肉鸡、蛋鸡和火鸡肉,从1日龄到市场重量. 我们的家庭加工,并在农场包装我们所有的产品. 我们所有的牲畜都吃来自朝阳农场的非转基因饲料, 它们是在拖拉机里饲养的,或者是在固定的下蛋鸡舍里饲养的. 网站:http://happyhensnc.com/ http://www.facebook.com/happyhensnc Paradise Family Farms started in 2020 and is a family endeavor intended to bring 3 generations together to serve a common purpose. 五个家庭成员将宝贵的技能结合在一起,培育出高质量的高地小牛. The farm aims to provide quality natural food to the community while raising the herd with the highest agricultural standards of grass-fed and grass-finished beef. 高地是传统的牛肉品种,生长缓慢,但值得等待. 苏格兰高地肉是上等牛肉. It has been found to be lower in fat and cholesterol and higher in protein and iron than other beef breeds. 这个品种的味道非常好. We know you will love it. 网站:ParadisefamilyfarmNC.com FB - @ParadiseFamilyFarmNC IG---@Paradisefamilyfarm Distant Daydreams Jewelry 在布恩当地制作手工串珠首饰和花环. 他们喜欢为日常佩戴创造独特而又实惠的珠宝, 他们尽量不做超过3个. 他们的工作灵感很大程度上来自这里美丽的阿巴拉契亚山脉和风景. Website: www.distantdaydreamsjewelry.com Facebook: remote Daydreams Jewelry |
Sweet Dreams Patisserie 是北卡罗来纳州勒诺瓦市帕特森学校基金会的一家面包店. Pastry chef and owner, Colleen Feeney, is taking her experience and skills in fine dining to provide five star flavors at an every day cost. Sweet Dreams出品你最喜欢的经典美食, 但以更高的层次来提供独一无二的甜点体验. They also offer gluten-free and vegan options that are guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds just as much as their guilty pleasure counterparts! 他们坚信,美味来自两样东西:激情和优质的食材. They do not use bleached flour nor sugar and they strive to utilize as many locally sourced and organic ingredients as they can. 他们希望你能在吃他们的甜点时找到和他们在制作甜点时一样多的乐趣!
Learn more: sweet-dreams-patisserie-nc.square.site
Carringer Farm-我们在北卡罗来纳州梅肯县的农场耕种了12年. 我们已经参加了那里的3个农贸市场12年了. 我们的产品销往6家不同的高端餐厅. 我们种植各种各样的农产品(见网站-太多了,无法列出), 我们有蜜蜂,所以我们有蜂蜜, and creamed honey. 我们有大约200只鸡,所以我们有鸡蛋. 我们也烤酸面团面包,做果酱、果冻、自制格兰诺拉麦片和烘焙食品!
Learn more: http://www.grahamcounty.net/carfarm/carfarm.html |
Resupply is a refillery & 布恩的零废物商店提供个人和家庭护理产品. 我们可以在顾客的容器里装满各种肥皂, including hand soap, dis soap, 或者洗衣粉, 我们还提供可重复使用的食品包装和可堆肥管中的唇膏等产品.
Learn more at: http://www.resupplyboone.com
Learn more at: http://www.resupplyboone.com
Valencia Flavors:生产拉丁美洲的甜点,如树奶, flan, orange cake, layers cake, 以及其他一些拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的商品.
Bi-Weekly Vendors
Fermenti Foods 提供生活,益生菌丰富的发酵食品,手工制作在麦迪逊县,北卡罗来纳州. These vegan, raw, 植物性食物有各种各样的味道, 从鲜亮的“姜姜黄粉泡菜”到刺鼻的“四川胡萝卜”! 在我们位于马歇尔的农场里,有机实践被积极用于种植草药和选择农产品, NC-提供#农场发酵的好处. We have paired with The Utopian Seed Project in 2020 to grow #heritage varieties with the intention of #growtoferment well-seasoned table collaborates with us on our Apple Carrot Kraut, 加入了他们的“扎塔尔调味料”,使它具有浓郁而平衡的吸引力. 我们独家使用Arden,北卡罗来纳州的Selina天然凯尔特海盐.
Learn more: www.fermenti.biz |
Between the Trees 在北卡州布恩的高地中心有一家微型面包店吗. We bake naturally leavened breads with a long, cold fermentation for flavor and digestibility. 我们提供各种以环保方式种植谷物为主的面包. We strive to source local and regional grains and ingredients because we believe that shortening the supply chain and being as much of a part of the process as possible is an important step to a more sustainable and equitable way of doing business.
Learn more: www.betweenthetreesbread.com
Learn more: www.betweenthetreesbread.com
Carolina Bath and Body Co 是手工制作的肥皂和其他沐浴和身体产品吗. 他们在布恩,西杰斐逊,班纳Elk有4家店,在吹石有一家店.
Website: www.carolinabathbodyco.com
Carolina bath & body co both FB & IG
Website: www.carolinabathbodyco.com
Carolina bath & body co both FB & IG
Laughing Springs Farm is located on the edge of Boone on 17 acres of land that they are grateful to begin stewarding. Established in early 2022, 随着每个季节对土地的了解,他们正在慢慢地建造我们的农场. 他们仍在改进我们的农场重点, but for now, 他们将种植和分享新鲜多样的蔬菜, 碾磨的玉米制品, 玉米粉)和草药产品. 虽然是布恩地区的新人, 在过去的25年里,他们作为农场主在不同的地方种植有机作物, managers, breeders, seed producers, 教育工作者——他们什么都尝试过一点——学习从未停止. 他们期待着与您分享我们的收获!
Website: www.laughingspringsfarm.com
Instagram: @laughingspringsfarm
Website: www.laughingspringsfarm.com
Instagram: @laughingspringsfarm
Sweetwater Kitchen 位于瓦托加县的田园湾溪谷. 店主是Iona Jones, 谁专门做无谷蛋白烘焙食品, low-sugar canned goods, candied fruits and flowers, and other unique treats. Iona's passion for cooking, baking, and canning began in childhood while helping her mother prepare for the Watauga County Farmer's Market where the family sold veggies, cheeses, and baked treats sourced from their organic homestead garden and dairy goat farm located on the edges of Ashe County. 作为私人厨师和宴会承办商, Iona has continued to follow this passion for healthy and unique kitchen creations and providing special treats for her friends, family, and neighbors.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/infusedwithloveandlaughter
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/infusedwithloveandlaughter
Devorah Chocolate 是一家总部位于布恩的公司,专门经营各种豆状巧克力棒. They start with sustainably sourced cacao beans from Central and South America creating an array of products from cacao nibs and tea to chocolate bars, drinking chocolate, 还有特色节日礼盒. They have something for everyone with our line of dairy free and alternatively sweetened products.
Contact: devorahchocolate@gmail.com
Contact: devorahchocolate@gmail.com
Mahogany & Merle LLC 用花岗岩制作石头蜡烛,特别是油蜡烛. Made all by hand using scrap granite sourced from local countertop businesses (all with permission, of course!). Get the scraps home and break them up by hand and turn them into candles and make wicks to go with them. 这些蜡烛在任何房间或露台的任何桌子上都是一个独特而可持续的声明.
Instagram: @mahoganyandmerle Facebook: Mahogany & Merle |
Mezzaluna Farmstead makes wood & 他们农场的羊毛工艺品. 主要是家庭用品,比如碗, 蜡烛架和花瓶是用他们收获的木头做成的,还有干衣球, rugs, 披肩和自家羊的鞣制羊皮.
Sister of Mother Earth 十多年前在一个有抱负的草药医生的厨房里萌芽. Unique fire cider blends are made with local and foraged ingredients to create ultimate immune boosting concoctions. Herbal infused honeys, 货架稳定接骨木糖浆, herbal oxymels, herbal vinegars, wild herb stewing blends, 野生草药和火苹果酒精加工盐是在志同道合的农民的韦德app官网下精心制作的, growers and other small businesses from the mountains of Western North Carolina as well as infused with as many local ingredients as possible. 他们还提供小批量的草药药膏、草药油和牙粉. 重新引入民间偏方和本地野生食物, plus creating community with other small businesses in the area is the core of Sister of Mother Earth’s mission and dream.
Website: www.sisterofmotherearth.com Www.facebook.com/sisterofmotherearth, www.instafram.com/sisterofmotherearth |